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Quote of the Day

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Oral Exam I Topics

1. Do parents and teachers in your country encourage girls and boys to grow up differently? Do they play with the same toys? Do they receive the same education at school and university?

2. Do you think women and men should perform the same or different roles? Are men usually the bread-winners and women usually the home-makers in your country?

3. Do you think that marriage should be for life? Should divorce be made easier or more difficult?

4. Is it better to marry someone of the same educational, social, cultural and racial background?

5. Should it be legal to marry someone of the same sex? Should marriages between gay and lesbian partners be recognised by the church?

6. The universe is controlled by a God who rewards good and punishes wrong-doing

7. There is life after death - for example, heaven, hell or reincarnation.

8. "Science is more important than religion in today’s world."

9. Have computers changed society for the better or for the worse?

10. Are the poor poor because they are poor or because they are lazy?

11. Should adults try to teach young people lessons, such as the dangers of drinking too much, taking drugs or contracting the HIV virus, or should they leave them alone to find out about these things themselves?

12. Should people of between 60 and 65 be obliged to retire from their jobs in order to make way for younger workers?

13. "There should be strict censorship of films and news bulletins on television to prevent children from copying violent incidents." Do you agree?

14. "Products such as pornographic videos and rap music which give expression to violence against women should be withdrawn from sale." Do you agree

15. "Corporal punishment should not be used either at school or in the home." Do you agree?

16. Do people in your country do enough sport or do they prefer to watch TV and play computer games? How could you encourage lazy people to do more sport?

17. At what age should a son or daughter be permitted to leave home?

18. Should abortion be available to women on demand?

19. Should euthanasia be available to people in great pain who want to die?

20. Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism?

21. How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive?

22. Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?

23. What is your opinion of people who say that they can communicate with spirits?

24. Do you believe your star sign can tell you about your personality and your compatibility with other people?

25. Do you believe in other forms of fortune-telling such as


tarot cards?

reading teacups?

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