Dear students:
Today we start a new way of communication focused to improve your writing skills.
This is going to be the blog for the class, here I´ll be posting the different tasks related to writing that I´d be requiring from you along the year.
1-. Your first task consists on the creation of your own blog for the development of the class requirements.
You are totally free to choose the design and display of your preference.
Please, this is an instrument for the evaluation of your writing process, therefore you shouldn't post any offensive comments or inappropriate language.
2-. You are going to be evaluated for the actual delivery of the required topics as well as for the grammar and vocabulary used.
Written works will be delivered through this way and this will be evaluated by the end of the course on the basis of your development.
3-. As part of your first task you are:
- First, to create your own personal blog which will be linked to this one, and
- Second, to choose any article of your personal interest out of The New York Times web site, and make a little review of it stablishing its main points among your reasons for choosing it.
There is no lengh requirement this time.
4-. You have ONE week for the delivery of your first task.
Hope you have a good time and enjoy.
See you in class.
Antonieta Parra
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